
A Partnership Designed to Withstand the Tests of Time


Equity Holdings

Offset your Market Risk. Keep the Return



At the heart of our Templar service  model is the Equity Holdings Program available, exclusively, to our esteemed partners.

Our program offers partners access to the investment/capital markets, through Templar’s “Five Funds” portfolio, while providing customizable levels of insulation from principal loss.

Our aim is to provide Templar institutional partners with greater endowment growth potential than a traditional capital management strategy and to do so with less risk exposure than continuing to invest independent of the community they serve.



Corporate Bonds

Profit from a Positive Social Impact


Templar’s bond program provides our partners and clients with an additional source of consistent income with less risk than our equity-based offerings.

Additionally, purchasers gain peace of mind knowing that their bond funds are being deployed to economically strengthen households, small businesses, and institutions within our community.

Non-transferable debentures with annual yields as high as 5.00%.


Business Consulting

Put our Resources to Work for You


At Templar, our mission is to help rebuild minority socio-economic infrastructure, in part, by fortifying the most critical components of that system. These components include our institutions of higher learning, banking institutions, and civic organizations.


By serving as a platform for the reintegration of these systems back into a  single viable and sustainable network; our access to human, financial, and intellectual capital will always be collectively greater than any impact achieved by our individual parts.

Learn More About Our Other Partnership Services

Individual Partnerships

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Small Business Partnerships

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Public Partnerships

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Like What You See? Become a Partner Today!

Let’s discuss the RIGHT level of risk and investment based on YOUR needs  

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